Healing Spirits Massage Training Program
Committed to Quality Education, with Heart | Boulder's Longest Running Massage School
Shiatsu Workshop with Jessica Van Antwerp
Brush up on your Shiatsu skills if it’s been a while, or continue the learning you’ve just begun. Hone your assessment and treatment skills to customize sessions for each of your clients. Solidify your knowledge of meridian locations in the body, and learn new ways to address each of the meridians.
Nov. 13th-15th
at the Healing Spirits Living Arts Center
3825 Iris Ave. Ste 300
$375-$450 Sliding Scale
$100 deposit required to hold your spot
Balance due on Fri., Nov, 6th
Send payment via PayPal to jessicatwerp@gmail.com
Or via Venmo to @jessicatwerp
And please let me know if there’s anything specific you’d like to learn!
Qigong Group Classes with Dave Goetz
The Qigong style I practice and teach is derived from nearly 20 years of practice. Qigong is a moving meditation that allows you to cultivate life force energy from the Universe. It works by inducing the body’s self-healing mechanisms to produce profound internally generated elixirs which balance your body, mind, emotions and spirit. You have to experience it to believe it. Let’s practice together!
Integrative Body Listening with Christina Hildebrandt
Learn to read energy in your client’s body and help them get unstuck!
December 12-13 2020 9am-5pm $250
3825 Iris Ave #310, Boulder, CO 80301
Home to Healing Spirits Massage Training Program and Boulder Massage Therapy Institute
Do you have trouble ‘hearing’ the subtle energetic information from you client’s body? Or, do you often receive this information, but don’t know how to use it to help your client? Do you and your clients feel stuck? Read on to learn about a three-part system that will help you get UN-stuck!
Whether you need help honing in on energetic information or want to enhance the skills you already have, Integrative Body Listening will help you facilitate change for your clients in a deeper and more integrated way! In this 2-day hands-on course, you will:
Learn how to ‘hear’ energetic information
Use techniques to process energy in the body
Evaluate your work, and know when you’ve made a difference!
Presented in an easy-to-understand format, Integrative Body Listening will become your go-to framework for a deeper and more satisfying bodywork session- for you and your clients!
**Covid-19 protocols will be followed during this course. Class size is limited to 10 students; all students will wear masks and follow hand-washing practices; each student will work with only one partner during the two days. At the end of each day, students will wipe down their tables.